Make a Donation to Duluth Bible Church

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.


Our Financial Policy
Duluth Bible Church is a grace ministry that operates completely on the unsolicited contributions of believers in Jesus Christ. The grace policy of God provided salvation and the Scriptures for all at no cost to the believer and we wish to reflect His grace. Therefore, no price is affixed to the live webcast or distribution of materials from this website and, except when purchasing books and booklets from Grace Gospel Press. We believe that giving is a privilege of every believer and should be motivated by their gratitude as a result of their own spiritual growth.

Let each one give just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.  ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7

Donate Online
For a one-time gift or to become a recurring giver by using Breeze, click on the link below and follow the instructions on the page.

Designating Your Donation
Use the Donate link above to get started and select a specific ministry to donate to by clicking on the down arrow to the right of “General Fund” and select the ministry you want to give towards. To give to multiple ministries, select “Add Gift to Another Fund” below the first line.

Recurring Giving
To become a Recurring Giver with Breeze, you will use the the same donate link above. You will see a dropdown menu with the options of giving weekly, every two weeks, monthly, or yearly.

Credit /Debit Card or ACH Bank Transfer
Whether you are donating a one-time gift or a Recurring Giver, you will be provided a dropdown menu with the option of using a credit/debit card or an ACH bank transfer.

What Happens Next?
Once you have made your donation with our secure merchant account provider, you will receive an email receipt. All gifts to Duluth Bible Church are tax deductible, and we will mail you a contribution receipt at the end of the fiscal year. If for some reason you are uncomfortable giving through the Internet, you are welcome to send a check to Duluth Bible Church, 201 W. St. Andrews Street, Duluth, MN 55803. Thank you!