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[Select the "Booklets" tab to see a discription of our booklets.]

The Good News of Salvation [NEW] - English

John 3:16 Illustrated  - English / Spanish

Planting & Establishing Local Churches by the Book - English / Spanish

Let’s Preach the Gospel - English / Spanish

Promises of God for the Child of God - English / Spanish

Seven Key Questions about Water Baptism - English / Spanish

Seven Reasons Not to Ask Jesus Into Your Heart - English / Spanish

10 Principles to Ponder When Bad Things Happen - English 

Bad News for Good People & Good News for Bad People - English

Never Alone - English 

Salvation in Three Time Zones - English / Spanish

Faith & Works: A Clarification of James 2:14-26 - English 

I’m Saved But Struggling With Sin! Is Victory Available? - English 

The Powerful Influence of the Christian Woman - English 

What Cancer Cannot Do - English / Spanish

How NOT To Live The Christian Life - English 

Salvation In Romans 10:9-13 - English  

How Do You Grow Spiritually? - English

What The New Coronavirus Cannot Do - English / Spanish / German / Russian  / Tagalog

Books / Chapters

The Gospel of the Christ by Tom Stegall
The Gospel of the Christ is a clear, biblical reply to the question of what a person must believe about Jesus Christ to possess eternal life. While Christianity has historically maintained that faith in Jesus Christ is essential for everlasting life, this raises the vital question: what is the necessary content of this faith? Written against the backdrop of the controversy within Free Grace circles over the “crossless gospel” and the contents of saving faith, Thomas Stegall goes well beyond a carefully documented analysis of his own movement. The Gospel of the Christ provides a systematic, exegetically-based treatment of biblical teaching on the subject of “the gospel” and the meaning of the title, “the Christ.” The end result is a comprehensive biblical and theological study of Jesus Christ’s person and work in the contents of saving faith. PDF

How to Interpret 1 John by Dennis M. Rokser
The Epistle of 1 John is one of the simplest books of the New Testament, yet it is often one of the most difficult to interpret. HOW TO INTERPRET 1 JOHN provides an easy-to-understand guide to grasping the message of this epistle and accurately interpreting some of its most challenging verses. For example, have you ever wondered what John means in 1 John 3:9 when he says, “Whoever has been born of God does not sin,” while previously saying in 1 John 1:10, “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us”? In addition, was 1 John written to those who are already believers or to a mixture of genuine believers and unbelieving professors of Christ? What is the purpose of 1 John? Was it written to provide a series of tests to determine whether you are truly born again, or was it written to clarify what genuine fellowship with God and others is really all about? These questions and more are answered with clarity and fresh insights from the text of God’s Word in HOW TO INTERPRET 1 JOHN. PDF

Must Faith Endure for Salvation to Be Sure? by Tom Stegall
Must Faith Endure for Salvation to Be Sure? shows from Scripture that all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ alone, rather than their own good works, will be kept safe and eternally secure by God’s grace and power. Rather than the traditional Reformed doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, the Bible teaches that a person’s eternal salvation rests solely upon the perseverance of the Savior in keeping His own secure. While perseverance is necessary for the believer’s ongoing fellowship with the Lord and spiritual fruitfulness in service to Him, it is not a requirement to possess eternal life. Believers in Christ can be personally assured that they will never perish forever because their salvation rests solely upon the faithfulness and finished work of the Savior on their behalf. PDF

Should Christians Fear Outer Darkness?
This book sets forth the contrast between true biblical teaching and the views of many contemporary proponents of outer darkness for Christians. SHOULD CHRISTIANS FEAR OUTER DARKNESS? clearly explains how God deals with every child of God in love and grace, rather than legalism and fear. If you are a Christian struggling with a perform-or-else approach to the Christian life and future, eternal rewards, this book will encourage you with the prospect of seeing your Savior face to face as your Blessed Hope.
Chapter 1: Introducing the Issue, written by Dennis Rokser PDF

 Shall Never Perish Forever by Dennis Rokser
If you have put your trust in Jesus Christ and His finished work alone to save you, is your salvation eternal and secure? Or can eternal life be lost, given back, or forfeited? If you are unsure of your eternal salvation and want to know with certainty that you are going to Heaven when you die, SHALL NEVER PERISH FOREVER will greatly help you by clearly and faithfully explaining God’s Word on this crucial subject. This is the first chapter of the book. PDF
Here is chapter 2 of Shall Never Perish Forever on Defining Our Terms. PDF

No Perecerán Nunca Jamás de Dennis Rokser
En No Perecerán Nunca Jamás Dennis Rokser ha proporcionado una interesante y detallada serie de argumentos bíblicos que defienden la altamente significativa doctrina de la Seguridad Eterna. Este es el primer capítulo del libro. PDF
Aquí está el capítulo 2 de No Perecerán Nunca Jamás sobre la definición de los términos. PDF


That You May Believe by Tom Stegall
This document is a dissertation on the evangelistic purpose and message of John’s Gospel in relation to Free Grace Theology. It concludes that John’s primary purpose is the evangelism of unbelievers, as John seeks to lead readers to fulfill the single, instantaneous condition of belief in Jesus Christ’s person, work, and promise in order to receive the free gift of eternal life that cannot be lost. This dissertation focuses on the Gospel of John to provide a refutation of both Lordship Salvation and the crossless, promise-only “saving message” as currently taught by many proponents of Free Grace Theology. PDF

The Latter End Is Worse Than the Beginning (2 Peter 2:20)
Chapter 26 from Pastor Rokser’s book Shall Never Perish Forever  PDF

Good News! This is a simple, clear explanation of the Gospel written specifically for young children.  PDF
¡Buenas Naticias!  PDF

Another Look at “Inheriting the Kingdom of God” by Dennis Rokser PDF

Must Christian Women Today Wear Head-Coverings? (1 Corinthians 11:2-16) by Tom Stegall PDF

A Reply to Bob Wilkin’s Review of Should Christians Fear Outer Darkness PDF